Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nicole, your pants are on fire!

Like Joan Rivers, I find people who lie about their cosmetic surgery just ...well, liars! At least Madonna has said "I may have, I may not have, but I am hardly going to call a press conference about it."

So why oh why (she says, yowling at the moon) does Nicole Kidman insistently demand that we actually are idiots enough to believe her when she says - not once, but repeatedly, "I have had nothing done, what you see is 100% natural".

Some of us with longer memories (and the google search engine) will recall what a younger Nicole looked like. No nose job Nic? No lip surgery? And no botox?

If what you have is "100% natural" Nicole, then your cellular regeneration abilities are so astounding, that you should be used for atomic research and the eventual curing of cancer.


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