Monday, May 4, 2009

That friggin' fatty...KATE MOSS

Kate's been carrying a few extra pounds of late. Is she pregnant or is she just 35 and fed up with eating like gerbil and feeling kind of faint all the time? Around 35 it gets soooooooo hard to keep the weight off. You might have eaten deep fried Mars bars all the way through your 20s but there does come a time when it doesn't disappear into thin air anymore.

Has Kate got a recession body? We are all supposed to whack of a few pounds when the economy sucks. Belt tightening doesn't just mean watching the wallet, it also means expanding waistlines.

She is gorgeous. She really is. She looks fabulous from any angle (bad British teeth and all). And even though there doesn't seem to be a lot of personality going on, she is definitely an icon.

So the jury is out - but you can be the jury too. Kate Moss? Too fat to remain an icon? You decide.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She looks fabulous. I saw her once in the street and she was breath taking.