Friday, May 8, 2009

She speaks! She walks! She er, writes!

Kate Moss is writing her autobiography. I can’t imagine that Kate is ACTUALLY writing it, but she no doubt will be telling someone what happened and they’ll be writing it for her. Kate has been paid a million quid for the book, and I bet many people will want to read it.

There’s been a few Kate books released – mainly coffee table photo books but Fred Vermerol did an unauthorized biography few years back – Addicted to Love - which was pretty good. Vermerol – a veteran celebrity writer – was a little perplexed by cries of “genius!” “brilliant” “gifted!”
She shows up, has her picture taken, and knows her job, writes Fred. That makes her professional doesn’t it, not Albert Einstein?
I can’t imagine how Kate will explain her life, but you can bet that the book will be a best seller.

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