I have just been reading about a huge haul in Sydney, Australia of over half a million dollars worth of fake designer clothes and accessories. The copies were of including Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Tiffany among others.
I don't know about you but fake just doesn't cut it with me. I mean, I am hardly going to spend $1000 every year for a new 'it' bag but I don't want to spend $25 on a knock off either.
I know there are some fabulous knockoffs in a higher price range - a friend bought a really really good red fake Chloe bag in leather, with lining and expensive looking trimmings that cost her $125. But she said it felt tawdry and she felt like a tart when she carried it - so she hardly ever used it.
What is the psychology behind this do you think? Why can't we have a $125 bag that pretends its more expensive and feel happy? Are we really snobs, or do we just crave authenticity?
I think a $25 fake of something that costs $1000 would be so inferior it isn't even worth the $25. Who knows where it's made, possibly even hazardous materials and all that.
A mid-priced, fake, I guess that depends on conscience. If it has a logo, pretending to be authentic, but is fake, I just can't go for that. Now, something that's just a similar style, that nobody would really think I was even trying to fool anyone with, that's totally different.
Yes Kathleen - that's such a good point - it's about trying to fool someone, isn't it. It's that aspect that is very tacky.
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